Day one: D went to NYC

I didn’t post anything for a while, everything is okay. 

I knew it sucks that we are in a fucking weird relationship, we fucked, we kissed, we even cuddled for whole night. He texted me in the midnight for asking me to come up to pat him to sleep, it is really fucking intimated. The thing i am really sad about is that I don’t feel any wrong with it, and I am even kinda enjoy this crap open-relationship shit.


I don’t need care about his feeling or change my schedule for him. Sometime, he would ask me for dinner together and even cook for me. I really think we are exactly like a couple, no one talk about the crap between us anymore, we just get a consensus: never cross the boundary.


today he went to NYC for winter break, and i am going to same city in two days. before he leave we had really amazing sex, and he kissed me before he left my room. It is bullshit if he said this is only physical shit, i can feel it.






Why does the beauty industry constantly make us feel bad?

fashion is a industry which is controlled by Male, and it keep telling female what is the standard of beauty. what a irony.

In the Mind of



Everyone knows that beauty ads always have some type of filters. There is always something within an image that is photoshopped in a ad magazine: models are shown thinner than what they really are, makeup is more vibrant than what it actually appears to be, and clothes are either longer or shorter than what they were made to look like. With all the constant photo shopping and altering of images, it only sends one kind of message, and it’s not a positive one at all. 

For decades, the beauty industry has set the standards for what beauty should be and what it should look like. Skinny models were the trend for many years, and now, being curvy and healthy is what’s popular. Another trend that is trending is today is ethnicity and diversity; we are seeing more color within fashion shows and beauty ads. Fashion and beauty has definitely…

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